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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

OJ Simpson Revisited

In this brief article I am going to try and present some evidence that OJ is innocent email me bostonnian@gmail.com and let me know what you think.

Dream Team – What Dream Team?

The LA County District Attorney’s office had never deployed as many prosecutors as they did for the OJ Simpson trial. At any given time there were more than forty, yes forty, deputy district attorneys and more than a dozen clerks working full time to prosecute OJ. The LA DA’s office had the technical services of the FBI’s crime laboratory, the worlds finest, as well as the services of the entire state of the California, Interpol, and the private facilities of Cell Mark, a DNA testing firm. By the time the trial was through, the prosecutor had spent 8 million dollars, a sum OJ never could match. This overwhelming advantage allowed them to prepare 58 witnesses during their prosecution and put on 488 individual exhibits. In whole, the prosecution of OJ Simpson took 6 months an obscene amount of time for a case that was not a civil one.

Another caveat to the dream team myth is that the FBI sends its agents to a special class to teach them how to appear in court. They teach the agents in this school how to look directly at the jury when answering a question, how to sit properly in the witness’s chair, and how to appear affable. All the federal agents who testified against OJ had gone to this school as well as the LAPD officers who had testified against OJ.

The Evidence

Mark Fuhrman, the infamous detective was the first person on the crime scene and one of the principle witnesses to the prosecution, but he was in fact a racist, who collected Nazi paraphernalia, particularly medals and badges.

Why was Fuhrman the first on the scene, when he was off duty? Fuhrman bragged to two officers that he had a sexual relationship with Nicole Brown Simpson; they apparently met after one of the domestic disputes between OJ and Nicole. According the two officers Fuhrman made a point of describing what he called Nicole’s “boob job.”

DNA – The LA DA’s office DNA evidence divided into two parts: The samples taken from the socks found in OJ’s bedroom at Rockingham and off the back gate. The socks were likely a product of tampering. The socks appeared to have been placed at the foot of the habitually neat Simpson’s bed to create the impression that he had left in a hurry. However the chief investigator Dennis Fung, who collected the socks, saw no blood on them neither did the three criminologists who examined them in the LAPD lab. In fact no blood was found on them until weeks later.

There was also the blood in the Bronco, it has went to the LAPD lab, none was found, then to the FBI lab, were the FBI found no blood, then suddenly a cop in the impound finds a spec of blood.

So where did the blood come from? After the initial interrogation of OJ Simpson Blood samples were taken from him and a large quantity of them ended up disappearing from the laboratory.

The list goes on

OJ made statements to the police during his initial interrogation those statements had disappeared.

The coroners could not determine how the victims where really killed and in what order; this suggesting there were probably multiple culprits.

There were no bruises on OJ’s body.

Almost all the DNA evidence showed up weeks after the murder.

Mark Fuhrman and other detectives lied multiple times and in fact Fuhrman plead the Fifth Amendment the second time he was called to the stand to avoid a charge of perjury.

Fuhrman had access to OJ’s blood and was at the crime scene alone for 18 minutes in the first few days of the investigation.

There were shoe prints at the crime scene that were unaccounted for, at least two that did not belong to OJ.

I could go on for days listing all the reasons OJ did not commit the crimes he was charged with despite what he says.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!